We have all experienced it, haven't we? A shift in fortune can create a shift in mood. One minute I feel like everything is going my way and I am happy and content. Out of nowhere, something happens that turns the tide! After the initial happening, it seems one thing after another hits me, and I begin to lose my balance. Suddenly I feel like I am in an undertow! I am being sucked to the bottom of the ocean and cannot fight my way to the top. My heart begins to pound and my thoughts begin to swirl. I am in a complete panic and feel totally out of control. I feel angry and look for someone or something to blame. Nothing seems right or enjoyable. I begin to look for an avenue of escape. Perhaps I should find a new friend, get a new job, move or make some huge change in my life. These are all just feelings and thoughts. I really am not drowning. I do not need to run away. I can turn the tide by changing my thoughts. The undertow is a creation of my mind.
When something happens that disrupts my happy flow of thoughts, I can allow that to impact my manner of viewing the world. I begin to focus on all the negative things around me. I have moved into a negative mindset. That is when one or two negative happenings begin to create the perception of an enveloping undertow.
When I can back up a couple of steps, I can smile at my own drama. Buddhist philosophy tells us that all things are impermanent. A friendship that you think will last forever, will not. On a good run, it might last 40 or 50 years. At some point, one of you will move, change, or die. The friendship will be gone or at least change drastically for some undetermined period of time. Knowing that even longstanding facts can change, helps it be of no consequence when a friend is upset at me or some piece of property gets damaged or destroyed. This too, shall pass. Remembering the fact of impermanence can put life in the proper perspective.
Since we are all impermanent, all things in our lives are the same. We may leave a mark, but in time that mark will fade and disappear. We are born, we live and we die. All things change. The most I can do is conduct myself in a compassionate and loving way for as many moments in life that I can. Loving kindness is the mark that endures. By creating a positive mark in my heart as I focus on the good, I may create a positive mark in the hearts of those I touch.
I must seize the moment, and enjoy what is happening to me right this moment. As I sit here on my couch typing, I have a 60 pound dog at my feet who is quite content. If I scratch her nose she enjoys it. She sometimes asks for more scratches, and sometimes I say yes. Other times, I say no. Either way, ultimately she resumes her nap and is content. Accepting whatever response life gives will make each of us happier and more content. If I focus on sitting here and think of what I want to say next in this blog, I am content. If I start thinking about all the things I have to do (like the loads of laundry, the household chores, the errands, etc.), I can feel the undertow grabbing me.
To enhance my peace is to enhance my ability to emit loving kindness. Enjoy the moment. Seize the day. I must find the things that are good and savor them. When I review my day, I don't want to obsess about what was not as I would have liked it. I will look for ways to correct my mistakes, but I will not get caught in the undertow! My review of the day should underscore the positive.
My day at work on Friday was full of things that were out of my control. Those things created a sense of being in the undertow. There were positive things as well. When I think about the day in terms of what went well, the pull of the undertow is lessened.
I may do something that causes someone to be angry or disappointed in me. I can apologize for the wrongs I commit against others. They may or may not forgive me. They may stay angry. What they do with my heartfelt apology is entirely up to them. What seems most important is to forgive myself, learn the lessons I can and go forward with my life.
If the undertow has you in its clutches, stop struggling. Look around to see what will help you enjoy the moment. A flower, a cup of tea, or a deep breath can be very uplifting and begin to turn the tide back to positve thoughts. Smiling at someone or saying something kind that makes them smile can turn the tide.
Some things are just not in your control. Recognize those things and let them go. Do what you can to help yourself regain your calm perspective. For example, you might want to put your feet up and write a blog. Have many wonderful moments today!
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