Let me guess! Hot dogs, hamburgers, brisket if you live in Texas, beer, sweet iced tea, friends and family, heat, and a fireworks display? Me too, but I wanted to go a little deeper.
For many who live in this United States of America, we may think of all those who have died to protect our freedom and survival of a concept. I think of the lines,
It is so easy to get disillusioned with the constant barrage of negativity regarding the things wrong with our country. Nonetheless, I still cannot even read the words to that song without getting misty. We have fought fights that need not have been fought. Yes, many of us make many mistakes. We gain and lose freedoms. We give up and pout over those loses, but ultimately get back up and keep on bravely fighting the good fight.
I think that in this blog, I just want to say, do not give up on our country and do not give up on your ability to make positive changes. Yes, we have some major issues. Yes, many mistakes have been made. Yes, big brother is definitely taking way more freedom with "protecting us" than should be allowed. I do often feel that truth has become something that should be classified as an endangered species. Yet still, have you ever just allowed yourself to gaze in wonder at the beauty that abounds in this nation, in our land and in our people? We fuss and fight change, but things change.
Have you ever thought about all our relatives who came to this country as "aliens". We have learned, with great pain at times, that to survive we must blend. We (as the human race) are a melting pot and always have been. I believe it is called evolution. We have struggled with the recipe of that melting pot, haven't we? Should we accept all the races? Should we accept all the sexes? Should we accept all the sexual identities? Can we just be separate but equal? Have bitter fights been fought over each of those arguments about both the ingredients and the appropriate mix of those ingredients?
Are we the best? No, but we keep trying. That is what I wish on this fourth of July, that each human being everywhere will keep trying to be the best that they can be. I wish that all would respond out of love and not fear. I wish that all would take responsibility for their thoughts and not allow mean, hateful thoughts to live in their heads. Out of that will come better people, neighborhoods, countries and ultimately a better world. We are all independent creatures who seek to be free from prejudice and injustice. If my freedom can first coexist with your freedom, and we can ultimately learn to embrace each other's freedom, then I say Glorious Day! Do no harm and think good thoughts. Happy Independence Day!
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